Canadian Wings of Rescue

Support Us

Your financial support allows us to continue saving the lives of VULNERABLE animals one flight at a time.

We have flown many companion animals from shelters to rescues and forever homes across the country.

Thanks to continued support, injured wildlife benefit from the expertise of far away rehabilitation groups.

Donations can be made to Canadian Wings of Rescue through Canada Helps at

Donations over $25.00 will receive a tax receipt.
Charitable number: 808636088 RR0001
Canadian Wings of Rescue (originally known as Pilots N Paws Canada) is now taking on a new chapter in its ongoing effort of saving the lives of vulnerable animals one flight at a time. After planning to shut down during the pandemic, a new Board of Directors has assumed leadership and is working hard to bring us back to full operational capacity. Stay tuned, as the fur will fly again soon!
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